Please call the office for a telephone appointment regarding:
- medication review, renewal
- mental health follow up
- Other chronic condition follow up
- review of test results
- arranging screening tests 

Most other visits should be in person.

Other Health information recommended by Dr. Leventis:

Top 10 Emergency Department Tips for Families:


Cholesterol Medicine update:

Choose Wisely Canada:


Prevention in Hand:

Mental Health Resources:

CBT & peer support for patients that are free in Ontario:

Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (iCBT)


Bounce Back -videos, telephone coaching & workbooks 15 & up: https://bouncebackontario.ca/

Big White Wall -Digital Mental Health support for ages 16 and up: http://www.bigwhitewall.com/

Wellness Together Canada: Mental Health and Substance Use Support: https://ca.portal.gs/

Talk4healing: 1-855-554-HEAL (4325) http://www.talk4healing.com/

Mindfulness for patients:

Mindshift-cognitive behaviour therapy skills for anxiety/depression: https://www.anxietycanada.com/resources/mindshift-cbt/

Stop Breathe and Think -check-in & app selects brief guided meditation: https://my.life/

Insight Timer -database of free meditations: https://insighttimer.com/

Headspace: www.headspace.com

Centre for Mindfulness: https://www.mindfulnessstudies.com

Meditation: https://www.thehonestguys.co.uk/

Other options (fee for service):

Oak Ridges psychotherapist Shivani Gupta: https://oakridgestherapy.com/

Newmarket psychologists Dr. Terri Sands: https://www.sandspsychology.ca/

Vaughan psychologists: https://psychologyhelps.ca/

Psychotherapist in Aurora: Todd Hayen: https://www.toddhayentherapy.com/

Psychotherapist in Aurora: Cindy Hayen: http://www.cindyhayen.com/

Child and Adolescent psychology services in Aurora: http://www.thecapcentre.com/

Greenspace: will help you find psychologist in your area: www.patient.gs

Anxiety education: https://www.healthlinkbc.ca/health-topics/anxty